CWM-5/6 Letter, Richard Wilson to Ewen Campbell, 1905

[1] Ewen Campbell Esqre
Wiritoa, Wanganui
New Zealand
25 Great King Street
Edinburgh 5th. May 1905
Dear Mr. Campbell
My wife duly received your
interesting letter of the 14th Nov. last
which she asks me to acknowledge
on her behalf, as owing to Rheu:
:matic Gout in her hands, she is un:
:able to do so herself. I assure you she
was very pleased to receive it, and to
hear so much about her Cousins in
New Zealand; and to have such an
interesting Account of your early life &
doings in the Colony. I may add it
gave me much pleasure also to read
the graphic description you give of the
ups and downs you had to come through
in those stirring times, not unmixed
with alternate danger and much
that was pleasurable.
I send you and old News Paper
dated 25th. May 1843 preserved by Mrs
Wright and on which you will see her
[2] handwriting, giving an account of the
duel which took place in 1808, between
your Grand Uncle Major Alexander Camp:
:bell, and Captn. Boyd of the 21st. Scottish
Fusiliers. The Major was a brother of
your Grand Mother, & full Uncle to your
Father, & Mrs. Wright, my Wife’s Mother. His
wife was a Miss Bowie from Ayr; and her
Grand Niece a Mrs Sceales with whom we are
intimate lives quite near us.
You are mistaken in regard to
another brother having shot a man in
the Avenue of Trees at Glenfalloch. You
are evidently confusing it with a case
which happened in 1837 when Charles
William Campbell or Boreland near Killin
Perthshire who was a Lieut. in the 39th. Regt.
went thro’ the greater portion of the Penin:
:sular War, and who was present at Seven principal
Engagement,- Son of John Campbell of
Boreland another brother of your Grand
Mother, and a first Cousin of your Father.
One night, seeing a man prowling about
the Shrubbery in front of Boreland House
when he opened the Window ordered him
off the premises, but the man made no reply
and did not leave, so he told him that if he
did not leave he would fire at him. And after
another warning he fired at him, but had
no idea that he had killed him, until
the following morning when he was
[3] found dead. A Jury Trial followed some
time afterwards in Perth, when Boreland
was acquitted. It was the eldest son
of this gentleman also Charles William
Campbell by name, afterwards Major Genl.
Campbell, who contested the Breadalbane
Peerage Case with the Father of the present
Marquis. He died 5 or 6 years ago in Wales,
leaving a Widow 1 Son about 12 or 13 years
of age and 3 daughters. This boy is now
the 3d. heir in Succession to the Breadalbane
Title and Estates. They were down here last
Autumn seeing us for a Week. The present
Marquis has no family, and his Brother
Lord Ivan Campbell has an only son, now
grown up, and we have heard there is
something wrong with him.
We have often heard the story how
Your Father came by the name of “Moses”
and your version tallies with ours, but there
is a little addition, which apparently you
have not heard. When your Grandfather
broached the Subject of the Child’s name
his Wife put him off by saying that she would
not let him know, until the Christening day.
Accordingly on the appointed day, the Minister
& Guests being assembled in the Drawing
Room at Auch, Your Grand Father going
to her for the Child to present it for Baptism,
said “Well my dear what is the Name”? She
answered in a dignified decided manner
[4] “Moses”. Your Grandfather surprised
and dumbfounded, could only exclaim
the Word “Moses”!! but there was neither
time, nor opportunity for expostulation,
hence the name was given. And the
Owner of it, as you indicate, & as we have
always heard otherwise, was as we say
in Scotland “Sair hudden doun” in
Consequence for the rest of his life.
We are truly sorry to hear of the
death of your youngest brother Robert
and sympathize with you all very much,
from what you say he must have been a
Splendid character and a most loveable
We have to thank you for your
Photo which came safely to hand. We
are very pleased to have it. My Wife
Says you are quite a Campbell in
appearance, and have a great look
of your youngest Uncle, the late Col
Colin Campbell. We shall be glad
to have Mrs. Campbell’s Photo when
you get it taken.
I am sending my Photo taken
about 5 years ago, and a small one
of my Wife taken about 30 years ago,
when we are both in better health
than we are at present, which I hope
will be soon, we purpose getting new
[5] ones taken & shall send you copies.
You ask me in your last letter
to send you Mrs. Mason’s address in
Auckland. She and her son, a lad
of 19 Years came unexpectedly upon
us in the early part of last Summer
when we were both laid up and very
ill, and their visit was most unsatis:
:factory. Mrs. Mason herself was
very nice, but the Son I should not
like to be the means of introducing
to your family. Before we even saw
him, and a few days before they ar:
:rived here he wired me from London
to send him a “Cheque for £400 at
“once”, to purchase a Motor Car, which
of course I refused, and during their
stay, it was a constant borrowing of
Money; which they now say they can’t
repay it. My Wife desires me to convey
to you & Mrs. Campbell her kind love & the
same to your sons & my best regards to
you all Believe me Yours most Sincerely
Richd. Wilson
[6] P.S. Please give our united kind
regards to Dr. Mrs. and Miss Earle.
We trust they are all keeping well
and shall hope to have the pleasure
of seeing them again, if they return
to this Country R.W.
2nd. P.S. My wife desires me to say that
she has left you in her Settlement, after
our death, the Paintings of your Grand
Father & Grand Mother which at present
hang in our Dining Room. They are both
Valuable Pictures particularly that of your
Grand Father.

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